Friday, June 22, 2007

The Secret

Hubs have been talking bout financial freedom and abundance and many more terms that were aliens to me last time. Slowly but consistently, he drill all those motivation into my head. From there I've learn a lot....and still continue learning. As time goes by, I read his books, articles and attended seminars. I'm so thankful he has a mind of his own, which so many people don't have. Truthfully, he's been striving real hard since his school life to support his family. The life he went thru has make him the man he is today....a strong, independent, charismatic and gorgeous guy. Things he lacked of, he'll compensate in something else and do it superbly.

I used to be a small girl before I met him. It's been planted in my thinking that husband should bear the whole responsibility of household, that study hard to get good result, then get a good pay job, money is hard-earned, save for the rainy days......all these are bullshit! These are the thinking of the poor. Don't you ever wonder why the rich gets richers and the poor remains poor if not gets poorer? Do you have the feel that it's unfair we work so hard but still living in "enough for the day" style? Pardon them if they teaches us the wrong thing, cause they themselve don't know the correct method. If they had knew, they would belong in the 5% that's earning 96% of the universe income (do I get this right?). Anyway, hubs's friend introduced this book to him, The Secret from Rhonda Byrne. There is also a DVD on the show available in market or you can view the 1st 20 minutes on YouTube. You can even get the info from this website.

I'm training my mind to work the way I want lately. I'll create a vision board with hubs later. We already bought a metal board (those white board alike metal). Initially I planned to put some of our bit and pieces from our wedding, our to do list and message to each other and hang it in our future bedroom. But after learning The Secret, we are going to create something more like a vision board. All our goals and targets will be paste on this board. And it's not going to wait till we have our future room renovated. This will start within this few days. Previously, we envision ourself to own a vacation home in Maldives. It's not a normal home but one that has sea below it. I've even prepared in virtually in print artist.

The teachers of The Secret wrote that your minds attract like and if you imagine real hard, want them real hard, your wish will be answered by universe. I'm not going to doubt this as we really want our dream to come true.
I send it over to hubs just a few minutes ago (he's working in another company) and he loves it very much. He even saved it as his wallpaper. So together we are going to have our dream comes true.

Have you seen other motivational resources that has inspired you and would like to share?


Anonymous said...

I really agree with the Rich Mentality you posted.

Here's a site you might find interesting.

chocmud said...

thanks kee for the website. It's a interesting website on how to handle debts....