Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bidding goodbye to 2007

It has come to the last day of the year. It's time to reflect on what I've done for this one year.
I have:

1. Accepted a proposal at my CARPARK
2. Planned and execute my very own wedding
3. Traveled to Bangkok and Singapore
4. Found my passion for DIY craft
5. Started my virtual home -
6. Married to the love of my life

For 2008, I vow to:

1. Change my status from single to double ;p
2. Be a loving and supporting wifey and DIL
3. Start my own home e-business
4. Be spec and contact lens free
5. Take up trust license and learn on mortgage
6. Grow my precious in my tummy
7. Trip to Bali and Shanghai

This list will grow as time comes. Cheers and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

welovepenang said...

Hppy New Year and May all your listed item being accomplished in coming years......

wish you best of lucks.