Sunday, February 10, 2008

While I was sleeping-2nd night

Last night Hubs went out with his friends....again. His former classmates had a gathering at a pub near Feringghi. One of the attendee being his best friend. So there goes the grandmother stories again. Their conversation did not end when the group disperse. Both of this guy adjourned to a mamak stall. I woke up around 4+am only to find his side of bed was empty as before I went to bed. A look at the phone clock gave me a shock of my life. The first thought that come to my mind was, "Is Hubs drunk till he can't come home?", and "Did something went wrong when he was on his way back?". Only after he answered the phone telling me he was already downstairs parking his car did manage to calm me down. And I continued to sleep.
This morning, we woke up around 7am to go for prayers. So doing the calculation, Hubs only has 2 hours of sleep. It was also a day our godson came and to officially thru the ceremony. It was also the day where his best friend came for visiting. And after all that, we got to visit my sis in the confinement center. She was sleepless last night, worrying about her baby being taken care by strangers and hearing cries thru the night. I think she might have post natal depression. All this end up we reach home again at quarter to 6pm. Hubs must be very tired. As I am writing this, he's snoring away on the bed...again. Exactly the same as last night. Dejavu??

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