Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A dream

Last night I dreamt that I was in a villa with huge swimming pool. I had change into my bikini underwear but top it with a loose t-shirt. I couldn't remember the whole story vividly but one part was very clear. I dived into the pool and after a short swimming to the surface, I emerged and fly like a butterfly just slightly above the water. Then continued to dive again from the flying post. This time however, as much as I swam, I couldn't reach the surface. I know I"m running out of breathe but I just couldn't emerged again. It feels like diving into the sea bottom and it has to take a few minutes to get to the top again. Hard as I kicked, I 'm slowly losing my breathe and feels as if I'm choking to death. With that, I woke up with a heart beating like crazy. Never had I experience this kind of dream before. And I don't know what does it trying to show. Am I drowning silently in real life?

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