Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A new chapter

I don't know about you but I feel so rejuvenated today. It's not because I got enough sleep last night, in fact I had the least sleep since a few months ago. Went to bed around midnight only to wake up when Hubs was back. What was he doing out there till midnight? I have to assure you he's doing completely marvelous decision in his life. It goes like this.

A month ago, 5 weeks to be exact, we were introduced to something called Forex. We attended the preview at FX1 Academy and were totally hooked off. Signed up their course on the spot and the 2 days course began a week after that. Of course I'm thrilled, this is the first time I'm so positive about a course. So during the class, Hubs performance was outstanding since he had background in option trading already. That set the spotlight on him after we, a team of 3 won a lose-as-much-as-you-can competition. This competition was so funny, I have to say, first time I saw people frowning and sighing when they had a winning trade. We were labelled the biggest loser, not that we mind even a tiny bit as the price of winning the competition was a whooping RM240 (collected RM30 each from 8 tables).

The spotlight on Hubs continued even after the course. With Hubs personality, he loves to explore and analyze and do all sort of thing to better understand the whole Forex Trading. The CEO and committee saw talent and knowledge in him. Coincidently, they are starting to expand their business in here, so they offered Hubs a chance to join their team. Which Hubs is more than happy to, this has been his dream all this while. To be able to grow with a company, not any company but a company that has so much growth potential, he just saw his street lights lit up along the road to abundance. Oh, I love the word ABUNDANCE. Hubs and the CEO had a good talk (sort of interview) last night, and I woke up to get update when he was back. We chatted and chatted and couldn't stop laughing WITH the thought of him being so successful in life, not as employee, not as self-employeed but as an investor. So even with lesser sleep, it can compensate with great news. My dream of becoming a successful tai tai is just around the corner, I could almost see it already.

Today is the day Hubs will tender his resignation letter and he promised that I can do it too in less than 6 months. I'm so blessed. All along I know I married a good husband. Now I'm positive I married a great guy, great husband and will be great father to our children and also our future adopted kids.

All this I have to thank FX1 for giving us the opportunity.

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