Tuesday, October 2, 2007

From 2 years to 1 year to......half?

I had a long lunch break yesterday. Not that I am not used to it but this time is different. Me and 2 other female colleagues had it in-house. Normally an in-house lunch would only take 1/2 hour to max of 45 mins. Yesterday we sat for nearly 1 and half hour. We had our lil lady chat ;p One of them is preggie. So I started off with asking her how many babies did she plan. Apparently this question had been raised by so many people after "When are you going to have baby?" question ended when she got pregnant. She used to think like me, to only start planning to have baby a year or two after getting married. Somehow the question being asked too many times she started to lose count and got stressed out. Couldn't handle the stress, she and her hubby got into serious discussion and decided to try it after 1/2 year into marriage. Panic button started to beep furiously when their attempts didn't show any results. Upon consultation with doctors, it seems that the reasons were because she is over stress and partly due to her hormone change from her frequent traveling. After trying for almost two years, now she is into her 4th month of pregnancy. Congrats!

When she asked what's my plan, I casually told her probably in 2009 to which my other colleague had a good laugh. According to her, my plan used to be two years after my wedding. What to do? From the previous chat with my sisters, they urged me not to delay it for so long. My eldest sister has been trying for a few months but to no avail, and to that she is has anxiety attack. So all of them, including my colleague advised us to start trying after a few months. Now, they are making me more nervous. I've shorten my period from 2 years to 1 year.

What if luck was not on my side when I want to have one? Should I start trying earlier? Half year? I must be insane for thinking so early. I'm not even married yet! GOSH! Should I start planning? Should I not? How long do one need to conceive? How long did you take to conceive?


Unknown said...

Start trying when you're ready, you don't know how you're going to feel in a few years. Don't let other people stress you out, it's your body.

I got pregnant literally straight away with my first - that was a shock, I was expecting it to take a while longer for the pill to wear off but I was delighted. Second baby took me about a year to get pregnant, I started getting agitated but there's not much point in stressing.

It doesn't really matter when you start trying, it's up to your body when it happens - just look after yourself while you're trying and let it happen naturally.

Good luck whenever you're ready to start trying but think about spending a few years enjoying your partner's company first - after the baby is born you literally get no time together. The way things are for me, I can't ever see us having enough time alone together to have a third baby! :D


chocmud said...

thanks so much for the assurance. now i feel so much better. now, i think no one will be able to push me to expedite things like this. mentally prepared is very important.

once again, thank you so much.