Thursday, October 25, 2007

ROMming next year

Initially we had plan to hold our ROM next year on 1/1/08. Why this date? Well, I had this idea of getting a mass wedding. Saw it from a website and thought the idea is cool. However, that will be registering AFTER my Chinese wedding ceremony. It will be something unusual in the Chinese tradition. Luckily I have a valid reason, apart from wanting a mass wedding badly. Apparently, I bought an insurance that will pay me when I get married. The trick, the registration will have to be after one year from the date I purchased it. And that would be exactly next year on the first day. So with that reason on hand, I managed to persuade my traditional, conservative parent's thinking.

But as the day gets nearer, things had popped up. Hubs sis and BIL will be moving to Shanghai probably this year end or next year. Knowing that my parents will be more than happy to see us ROM before ceremony, I suggested the idea of getting an earlier date. Without further thinking, I spilled out the idea before we manage to secure a prosperous date. However, after frantically searching for the right date, we just give up the idea. Hubs is having so many classes on weekends to accommodate the ROM. With this, the trouble began. I know how mum love to use other siblings to get her message across. Being the kpc person, second sis took the responsibility. But her big mouth never goes thru her brain. She never fails to make things worst by saying, " Where got ppl ceremony before ROM?", "Are you NUTS?", " Where got ppl choose good date for ROM?", "First this silly insurance reason, now this stupid no-good-date reason?",bla bla bla and the list goes on. I was furious and upset with her words. She never face the problem we are facing, mainly because her PIL is supporting the whole wedding. Now that it's only Hubs supporting the whole wedding (a lil chip in from me ;p), we have to do cost-saving one. That means a lot of things we have to DIY and search thru mountains and seas to secure a good price. They will never know all that. To them, money will settle everything. To them, wedding is just another day. So waste no $$, save them to go honeymoon. To us, it's such a memorable thing that we would like to do everything ourself and enjoy the fruit of it. No doubt, sometimes it's more stressful but heck, we enjoy it every much. It has strengthen our relationship too.

For example, we've been searching for the tracing-paper-like paper to be used as insert in our invitation. Been to so many bookstores but none have the one we are looking for. What we do, we saw the address of the production company is Penang. So we got in the car, got to the location and managed to get it directly from them. And it cost so much cheaper. The main point is, we found the source of paper and it might come in handy when we are into own business later on. That's the satisfaction we got that no one can understand. We compliment each other when we achieve something, some sort of encouragement and it feels good. Bless us!

Anyway, due to the stress my sis put on us, we took half day leave yesterday to settle the necessary procedure to secure a place in the registration center. Everything went on smoothly, from the IC dept to commisioner of oath. But it all come to halt when we reach the center. The date we had chosen is FULL! The lady at the counter doesn't even have to see the record. Panic attack! I took out the calender while Hubs phoned his friends to confirm the date of their studies. Those dates that he is available is not available anymore. HOW??? Called dad to ask his permission to do it AFTER ceremony. The lines in our house is already not clear, and yet he moved around when talking to me. So the line goes....What?.....Huh?....when is..... I almost shouted back to him. I managed to keep my cool and got his verbally approval. And so my dream comes true even after many obstacle. Bless us!!

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