Sunday, October 14, 2007


It's the 9th month of lunar calender where they pay respect to the 9th God (or something like this, I'm not so sure) by being a pure vegetarian for whole 9 days. When I said pure, I mean purely pure. They have to even use the utensil that has not touch or cook meat before. Most household that practice this, will have a special sets to be used only once a year. During this period, you can see set-up stalls along the road with yellow cloth hanging on the roof. This indicate that they are selling pure vegetarian food, practically for this occasion. If you think that vegetarians only eat green vege, then you are truly wrong. They have advance to create all sorts of meat by using flours and preservative. You can get chicken meat, duck meat, fish meat, lok bak and all sorts of daily food.
Hubs is one of them. He's been practicing this since a few years ago. I'll only be a pure vegetarian on the last day. This year, while my family is on vacation, I had to stay with him. So for this few days, I'll be eating together with him, in those "yellow stall". The problem is for the past few days, I felt like I have not eaten anything. I admit, I'm a carnivor person. So without meat, it's like the meal is not complete. During this period, I'm craving for so many meaty stuff. Thai food, seafood, medium done beef cook top with perfect gravy, steamboat, Ayamas and many many more. Just the thought of it makes my tummy growl, my saliva drooling. Hubs assured me that it's ok to eat other than vegetarian food, but to me not eating meat is kinda respect for his practice. I do feel ashamed to have all those meaty thoughts, but I just can't help it. No matter how good the vegetarian food taste, I still crave for meat. Maybe tonight I'll try to get some meat to satisfy my hunger.

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