Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New mum

All my life, I've been blessed with so many good things. From young, all the good things come one after another. Although there are several hiccups on the way, they were nothing major to be worried about. Just recently I've ranted about the stress I had with my bridal house for delaying my design viewing. However, immediately after we voiced out, they really tried their best (even bring back home to work on) and delivered them within one week.

Lately, I have on and off been feeling dizzy. The real problem is not diagnose yet but others say it might be due to low blood. There's a possibility there as I've been quite worried as the wedding gets nearer. People says this is wedding jitters, maybe it's true. Hubs went to ask his mum bout this condition, immediately she brought over a bottle of vitamin B Complex for me. At that very moment, I'm going to have a warm and happy new family.


Precious Pea said...

When I saw your title 'new mum' and you mentioned you are dizzy, i nearly wanted to congratulate you. Tot you were pregnant. Hehehe.

chocmud said...

GOSH! precious pea, i'm only getting married in not less than a month. i would hope i'm NOT pregnant before that. otherwise i dunno how i should react.