Tuesday, January 8, 2008


My best friends ignated what has long been put off, a trip to Redbox@Gurney. This coming thursday is a public holiday. Well it is for my company but not for some, like Hubs' company. So in order to drive myself to Gurney to meet up, I have to wake up as usual time and send him to work. Then only I can have the car to myself. Recently my work schedule on the new block is super tight I can barely breathe. It must be completed by end of this month, which is only mere 3 weeks away. Wait, you haven't hear the final part yet. The best is, I'll be on leave for one whole week. That leave me with only less than 2weeks to complete since I'll be on 1 1/2 days MC and another 1 day public holiday. How can I finish my job then?? There's nothing else I can do but to put in extra time during weekdays and come back on weekends. Only then I'll be able to cover for the one week absent. So what I'm going to do is, go to work on my PUBLIC HOLIDAY after sending Hubs off to work. After that only join them to Redbox and come back to work after all the fun. Play hard, work hard.

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